Sunday, December 12, 2021

MRAM Update from IEDM and Zoom Call


Mark Webb, MKW VENTURES CONSULTING at IEDM, San Francisco Hilton Dec 11-15th

ZOOM CALL Sunday and Monday evening



Embedded MRAM is officially in the "It works, we implemented it, and now we need to optimize it for each application". This is true maturity working with each customer for what they need and what they will pay for. 

1) Replace embedded flash (This should have happened long ago). e-Flash at any geometry is neither optimal for performance nor optimal for cost. e-Flash (which i worked on years ago) is a "its all we got, so we are stuck" technology. MRAM and possibly RRAM to the rescue

2) Replace/Augment Last Level Cache. Its not really cheaper or better than SRAM for pure cache yet... but it is within optimization timeframe (2 years). It needs to be about 30% smaller than current, and it needs to give up some retention for Bit error rate (BER) and speed .... but it is a possible option depending on applications

Discrete MRAM has made some progress with STT at Everspin but it is still a small market until we can show significant improvement over  NOR and DRAM/SRAM

We have a presentation and Zoom call covering new emerging memories.

**** Sunday 12/12 from 6PM to 630PM Pacific time AND

**** Monday 12/13 from 5:30-6PM Pacific time

**** ZOOM Meeting ID: 811 2666 3619     ZOOM Passcode  481708

We can also meet 1:1 or in a small group during the conference. Just text.


* Emerging Memory Product Lifecycle: What steps are needed to deliver production memories and where does each memory stand? How can we tell whether a technology is 15 years from success or 2 years.  Note: Memories take 10+ years to mature, 90% don’t make it

* Revenue and scenarios for future for Optane/3DXPoint. Where are we today and what are the three possible scenarios for 5 years from now.

**the scenarios are named “I am so Proud”, “Groundhog Day”, and “I Won” **

* Revenue and projections for MRAM. Embedded and discrete.

* ReRAM status and challenges

* Status of other memories


Mark Webb


Friday, December 10, 2021

Emerging Memory Presentation at IEDM and Zoom Info


Mark Webb, MKW VENTURES CONSULTING at IEDM, San Francisco Hilton Dec 11-15th


We will be at International Electron Device Meeting  Saturday 12/11 to Wed 12/15

We will be attending sessions and short courses

We have a presentation and Zoom call covering new emerging memories.

**** Sunday 12/12 from 6PM to 630PM Pacific time AND

**** Monday 12/13 from 5:30-6PM Pacific time

**** ZOOM Meeting ID: 811 2666 3619     ZOOM Passcode  481708

We can also meet 1:1 or in a small group during the conference. Just text.


* Emerging Memory Product Lifecycle: What steps are needed to deliver production memories and where does each memory stand? How can we tell whether a technology is 15 years from success or 2 years.  Note: Memories take 10+ years to mature, 90% don’t make it

* Revenue and scenarios for future for Optane/3DXPoint. Where are we today and what are the three possible scenarios for 5 years from now.

**the scenarios are named “I am so Proud”, “Groundhog Day”, and “I Won” **

* Revenue and projections for MRAM. Embedded and discrete.

* ReRAM status and challenges

* Status of other memories


Mark Webb


Monday, December 6, 2021

Emerging Memories.... whats next?


New Memory Technologies …. Next stop? …. The Trough? The Moon? Other?

We have a report and will have an upcoming Zoom call similar to my Emerging memory update from Flash memory summit. This will be timed in parallel with IEDM so we can review latest info. We will identify where each memory stands in the New Memory Product Lifecycle (there are 10 different stages that go from concept to mass production) and projected revenue for each technology.

A quick update and preview:

1)     DRAM and NAND are ramping as fast as anytime in the past 5 years. No Brick wall coming, No replacement is planned. I am convinced DRAM and NAND will be around when I am long gone.

2)     Only two “new memories” have significant volume in bits

a.      3D Xpoint/Optane. More bits sold than all other new memories combined.

b.      Toggle and STT-MRAM: discrete Sales growing, embedded available from multiple foundries

3)     ReRam: lots of work, lots of issues identified. Similar performance to 3D XPoint, No revenue for densities over 1Mbit.

4)     Promising technologies: SOT MRAM, FE-RAM/FET… still promising.

The Challenges and Predictions

MRAM is ideal for embedded NVM and is steadily growing for discrete. What next?

3D XPoint is available to anyone who wants it today. But it is not growing, not game changing yet, not protecting Intel’s datacenter market yet. Is Intel still spending money on it? Is Intel adding capacity? Why did Micron abandon it? We have answers to where 3D Xpoint will be in 1,3,10 years.

Other Technologies are still path to eventually detailed Mbit+ array characterization

So, Personally, I am in the “Trough of Disillusionment” along with many Emerging memories IMHO. Now I am predicting what the Enlightenment will bring which we will present next week.

Mark Webb