This is the age old questions with the assumption that HDD will stop scaling and NAND will scale quickly
We updated all the numbers this week and the answer is STILL 2034! Maybe!
The HDD has a few tricks to pull out and NAND scaling will slow over time
The additional issue is that SSDs are now selling below Cost. So we added a note to show how price went from above cost to below cost in the last 12 months. HDDs are still cheaper than SSDs even today and the HDD is not yet selling below cost. SSD/NAND Pricing will improve in 2H 2023 and we will not need to factor in selling below cost for at least another couple years (hopefully)
The costs are for highest density and also do not include underload charges or other accounting related "one time items". We have all the details including one time charges and why NAND prices will improve .... contact us for more info.
Mark Webb