Emerging Memory Revenue. Optane drops off and slowly MRAM grows.
Emerging Memory Revenue will actually drop over the next few years as Intel Optane sales slow. Discrete revenue from MRAM plus small contributions from FERAM and RRAM will slowly replace it.
Emerging memories need to focus on two areas:
1) Embedded where they are BETTER than other memories. Replace ALL eFLASH now!
2) Niche markets where the speed of MRAM etc is BETTER than other memories. Again, NOR/eFLASH is a great target. Along with Caching for storage and LLC for compute systems.
There is one other possibility we continue to monitor this week. a new memory where the difference with existing memory process technology (DRAM, NOR, NAND) is less than 20%. If you can "bolt it on" it can work. this is how FLASH came from EPROM and how NAND came from NOR. IEDM is great place to review this and ALL memory companies are trying their best to implement this.
Unfortunately, it is not financially possible to replace DRAM or NAND with "new memories". And most foundries and major memory companies already have their emerging memory candidates for the future.
Emerging memory is GREAT for new applications, NOR replacement and Cache. It is poor for trying to replace DRAM or NAND.
See our presentations at www.mkwventures.com, Markets, revenue, and the lessons to be learned from Intel Optane.
Call or text to discuss!
Mark Webb